CBP’s executive director of trade remedy law enforcement Eric Choy explained US Customs’ new tools “underscore our dedication to fair and effective trade enforcement by making key data accessible”.
CBP’s official website, the Enforce and Protect Act (EAPA) and e-Allegations dashboards are said to provide distinct avenues for both stakeholders and members of the public to explore different aspects of trade enforcement.
The Enforce and Protect Act dashboard is said to offer transparency regarding antidumping duty and countervailing duty evasion allegations. The trade community can track the volume, types, and geographic locations of these allegations.
Under the Enforce and Protect Act programme, the trade community can file allegations of evasion and participate in on-the-record investigations, subject to certain criteria.
The e-Allegations dashboard facilitates the reporting of various commercial trade violations to CBP. Through this platform, both the trade community and the general public can flag potential violations, ranging from unfair trade practices to products that may pose threats to health and safety.
The e-Allegations process enables CBP, in collaboration with its partners, to safeguard the US economy from the adverse effects of such practices and products.
The new dashboards are also said to provide insights on possible countries of origin and the volume and types of trade violation allegations processed through CBP’s Trade Violations Reporting Tool.
“With the launch of these dashboards, we are empowering the trade community and the public with clear insights into the scope and nature of trade violation allegations,” said Choy.