UK: Arcadia Appoints David Michels Non-Executive Director
David Michels has today been appointed a non-executive director of Arcadia Group plc.Mr Michels is chief executive of Hilton Group plc. He has spent his career in the hotel and leisure industry. After holding senior positions within Hilton hotels, he was appointed chief executive of Stakis plc in 1991. Following the Hilton Group's acquisition of Stakis in April 1999, he became chief executive of the merged hotel businesses. He took up his present post in June this year.Adam Broadbent, chairman of Arcadia Group, said: "We are delighted that David Michels has accepted our invitation to join the board. His experience at the top of large consumer service businesses will be a major benefit to the group."Arcadia Group Plc, formerly the Burton Group Plc, owns fashion multiples Burton Menswear, Dorothy Perkins, Evans, Hawkshead, Principles, Racing Green and TOPSHOP/TOPMAN. Its acquisition of the Sears womenswear business - the Miss Selfridge, Wallis, Warehouse and Outfit brands - increased Arcadia Group's share of the UK womenswear market to 11.5 per cent. In June last year, the Group consolidated its multi-channel approach with the launch of Zoom, an e-commerce and Internet Service Provider.