Eurofins Softlines & Leather has been approved by The Microfibre Consortium (TMC) as one of its first third-party laboratory members.
Founded in 2018, TMC is driving the development of solutions to minimise textile fibre fragmentation and its release into the environment during manufacturing and use.
Eurofin’s membership will allow the company to facilitate the development of practical solutions for the textile industry to minimise fibre fragmentation and release to the environment from textile manufacturing and product life cycle.
Fibre fragments (microfibres) are of particular concern to environmentalists because of their potential for accumulation in and pollution of oceans. They could also be ingested by marine life and enter the human food chain, with implications for health. The textile industry has become increasingly aware of this pressing issue.
The Microfibre Consortium is a membership based organisation who works with the textile industry to minimise fibre fragmentation and release. In partnership with the University of Leeds and the European Outdoor Group (EoG), they have developed a standardised test method that can reliably measure the amount of fibre fragments released from textiles during domestic laundering. This method will provide the basis for determining the scale of microfibre release as well as support in the process of finding solutions to microfibre pollution.
Utilizing its global network of testing laboratories and technical expertise, Eurofins will support the industry by providing TMC standardised test method services. Customers will gain access to testing services to support the understanding of the issue, whilst demonstrating their environmental responsibility and improving sustainability along the supply chain.
Roll out of the test method will result in the adoption of standard measurement across the industry. The method is also being considered by European and international standards organisations.