Sri Lanka’s Board of Investment has announced an LKR8m (US$49,265) boost for apparel manufacturers in the northern region of the country.

Six apparel manufacturers, between them employing 7,917 workers, are to benefit from the investment. These include Omega Line and Hirdaramani Fashion in Vavuniya, Hirdaramani Clothing in Mullaitivu, Timex Garments in Mannar, and MAS Active and MAS intimates in Killinochchi.

A press release from the Board of Investment says the move will help tap into the “considerable potential” of the region, previously overlooked due to the past conflict affecting it.

The announcement is part of a drive that includes investment in a number of other sectors such as agriculture, hospitality, construction and energy. The further 15 projects represent investments of LKR16,293m (US$100,000) and provide employment to 837 workers in the northern province.

“The BOI places high priority on investment in the North as this effort is more than just development and part of the process of strengthening inclusiveness and reconciliation in the country,” says the release.