Soorty’s regenerative agriculture or – Regenagri Initiative – in Pakistan has been developed with the Rural Education & Economic Development Society (REEDS) and is aimed at revitalising agricultural ecosystems through regenerative farming. This return to harmony with nature promises to restore soil health, rebuild climate resilience, and create a sustainable legacy for generations to come.
“Regenerative agriculture isn’t just about maintaining the status quo – it’s about actively improving soil health and biodiversity,” explained project lead on SRI for Soorty, Dr. Muhammad Yousaf. “With SRI, we’re proving that ecological restoration and premium cotton production are not mutually exclusive goals.”
SRI benefits the agricultural community by promoting farmer health and facilitating ecosystem restoration which is vital for ensuring long-term agricultural sustainability, and the textile industry at large. By implementing regenerative agricultural practices, SRI focuses on enhancing soil health, conserving biodiversity, reducing chemical dependency, and promoting water conservation. With the initiative, Soorty not only seeks to produce cotton in a more environmentally friendly manner that fosters transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain but also aims to uplift local farming communities by providing them with the knowledge and resources needed for sustainable cultivation, creating a sustainable agricultural ecosystem for generations to come.
The project, whose inception was in April 2023, has already made significant inroads, partnering with over 1,100 small-scale farmers across an expanse of approximately 5,000 acres. These farmers are being trained in regenerative farming practices that not only yield immediate environmental benefits but also promise long-term prosperity and sustainability. SRI’s comprehensive approach includes the establishment of demonstration plots that serve as living classrooms for farmers, fostering a hands-on learning environment, and encouraging widespread adoption of sustainable practices.
“SRI’s commitment to empowering farmers and sustainable practices aligns perfectly with REEDS’ mission. Together, we’re fostering a future where healthy ecosystems and thriving communities go hand-in-hand”, said the executive director of REEDS, Shahid Saleem.
The collaboration with REEDS Pakistan and the oversight by Control Union certifications emphasise the initiative’s adherence to the highest standards of regenerative agriculture. This year, SRI is projected to yield approximately 1,225 metric tons of cotton, providing tangible evidence of the initiative’s scale and impact.
“With SRI, we’re not just sourcing better cotton, we’re investing in the wellbeing of entire communities. This ethical approach resonates with our customers, who understand that true sustainability extends beyond the product”, remarked the executive director at Soorty, Ebru Debbag.
SRI integrates a sophisticated digital framework that tracks and documents the journey of cotton from seed to fabric, aiming to enhance transparency in the textile supply chain. This system not only facilitates detailed monitoring of agricultural practices but also enables the journey tracking of cotton bales and the geolocation of farms, enhancing accountability and traceability. This allows Soorty to share the story of each garment’s origin with its customers – a story of revitalised landscapes and empowered communities that reinforce tangible impact.
“Through the Soorty Regenagri Initiative, we’re not just making textiles; we’re forging a sustainable future,” proclaimed Asad Soorty, Director at Soorty Enterprises. “This venture isn’t merely about environmental responsibility; it’s a call to action. It’s a testament to the power of innovation, collaboration, and a deep respect for our planet – inspiring change that will resonate far beyond the fields and factories.”