The HRDD Toolkit provides an honest depiction of SLCP’s tool, system, design, and scope to ensure that the approach aligns with the demands of the policy, guidance, or law. It explains how SLCP’s Converged Assessment Framework (CAF) is uniquely useful in supporting HRDD compliance, as it is critical for sustainability initiatives to be clear on which components of due diligence they can support.
As the scope of human rights due diligence expands, more businesses in global supply chains will need to reinforce or establish new mechanisms to guarantee that they respect human rights. The European Union, Germany, and the United States – among others – are enforcing mandatory requirements for companies to identify, assess, prevent, and mitigate their human rights impacts, going beyond voluntary frameworks such as the OECD Due Diligence Guidance.
While the responsibility to undertake HRDD remains firmly on the complying company, SLCP assessment data provides a credible and actionable foundation for companies to identify human rights risks in supply chains and track and monitor progress.
The HRDD Toolkit aims to explain SLCP’s positioning against human rights due diligence, help users better understand how the CAF can be used for undertaking HRDD, confirm how SLCP data is aligned with emerging policy demands, and provide clarification on the scope and limitations of the CAF. However, the HRDD Toolkit also reaffirms a clear message to users: SLCP is not a one-stop shop for undertaking due diligence.
Janet Mensink, executive director of the Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP), said: “The SLCP HRDD Toolkit reinforces the value of SLCP as a facilitator for conducting human rights due diligence. There is a growing appetite from various stakeholders for clear, practical communication on how initiatives can support human rights due diligence. SLCP offers an effective tool for supporting due diligence.
“With over 75% of facilities that completed SLCP assessments in 2022 being repeat users of the tool, SLCP data can now be used not only to identify risks but to track and monitor progress towards improved working conditions. We are pleased that the HRDD Toolkit provides evidence to demonstrate SLCP’s usefulness in this context.”