With the ability to process 22,000 lbs. of hemp fibre per hour, the Panda Hemp Gin is the largest industrial hemp processing facility in the Western Hemisphere and the second largest in the world.

Panda Biotech president Dixie Carter opened the ceremony noting chairman and CEO Robert W. Carter’s “astounding vision to build a large-scale, top-tier processing facility here in the United States” for domestic industrial hemp decortication.

Bob Carter’s signature “no excuses” leadership style inspired the Panda Biotech team to persevere through a number of challenges including a global pandemic to “arrive at this momentous day,” she added.

Texas agriculture commissioner Sid Miller, who attended the event said: “We will lead the nation in industrial hemp!” with fellow attendee, Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce CEO Ron Kitchens adding: “Today, we celebrate the courage of entrepreneurs who said over and over again, we believe in you, Wichita Falls.”

In April 2023 Panda Biotech announced a partnership with the Southern Ute Growth Fund, a Native American-owned investment company, to advance sustainable hemp production in the United States.

The partnership aimed to increase the production of sustainable hemp fibre for use in a variety of industries, including textiles, construction materials, and bioplastics. The strategic alliance was inked with Aka-Ag, LLC, a Growth Fund subsidiary.

Scientifically proven to sequester substantial amounts of carbon dioxide, industrial hemp requires significantly less water, herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides to grow than most crops used in textile manufacturing.

Kontoor Brands, owner of the Wrangler and Lee brands, announced some time ago it was expanding its collaboration with Panda Biotech to bring traceability and scale to the textile-grade cottonised hemp grown and processed in the United States.

Earlier, Panda Biotech revealed it would be working with the BGMEA (Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association), to introduce US-grown sustainable hemp fibre to Bangladesh’s apparel exporters.