Unveiled on 25 July 2023, the Factory Disclosure Report for Pakistan provides valuable insights into more than 400 factories that currently supply products to 52 Pakistan Accord signatory brands.
The comprehensive report includes crucial details about each factory, such as its name, address, number of storeys, production processes, workforce size, and the number of signatory brands sourcing from it.
Joris Oldenziel, executive director of the International Accord, emphasised the importance of this development and said: “This list holds immense value for us and all our stakeholders. Instead of merely naming the facilities supplying to our Pakistan Accord signatories, the data points in this list provide important details on the structure, floors, workforce size, and active brands within each supplier facility.
“We look forward to this information playing a key role in mapping the Pakistani textile and garment industry and in ensuring transparency and accountability within the supply chains of our signatories.”
The Pakistan Accord garment factory safety programme was established with the primary goal of improving health and safety standards in the country’s textile and garment industry. It operates as part of the broader International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, a global initiative committed to promoting worker safety and well-being.