New Look is partnering with re-sale specialist Re-Fashion to launch New Look X Re-Fashion, the brands first venture into the pre-loved fashion market.

The move comes as part of New Look’s mission to address the ongoing problem of textile waste in the industry.

“We recognise that, as a broad-appeal fashion retailer, we have an important responsibility to both our customers and to wider society, to consider the lifecycle of the products we sell, from design stage to end of life. As part of our ongoing commitment to reduce the environmental impacts of shopping for clothes and to promote circularity  within the industry, we are excited to partner with Re-Fashion and offer our customers  an easy and convenient way for them to get involved,” Sue Fairley, head of sustainability at New Look, says.

Customers can visit Re-Fashion to request a donation bag (bags typically hold up to 12 items) which is sent to them in the post. The bag can then be dropped at the nearest Collect+ destination for free before the items are posted on the Re-Fashion website, ready to find a new home.

As a token of thanks for playing their part, and to further promote the environmental benefits of purchasing pre-loved clothing, customers will be offered 30% off any purchase on Re-Fashion. New Look, in partnership with charity Tree-Nation, will also plant a tree for every bag donated.

Stephen Lyons at Re-Fashion adds: “At Re-Fashion, we truly believe that the future of fashion is circular and we’re passionate about keeping clothing in the loop to address the ongoing problem of textile waste in the fashion industry. Partnering with New Look will help spread this vital message and hopefully inspire more people to give their unwanted clothes a new life and also experience first hand the quality and value second-hand clothing offers.”

This venture is part of New Look’s ‘Kind to the Core initiative’, a key pillar of the brand’s transformation strategy focusing on a continued commitment to become a more sustainable and responsible retailer.

The retailer says the new partnership is just one of the ways it will encourage its customers to play their own part in the journey to support circularity and help reduce the impact of clothes shopping on the environment.

New Look was among a group of 36 companies that recently called on the UK government to introduce a Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD) law.