The new CleanChain Chemical Score feature aims to drive safer, more sustainable chemistry in textile supply chains.
It has been designed in collaboration with global brands and third-party safer chemistry solution providers Scivera and ToxServices. The Chemical Score is said to be fully transparent and aims to assess and rate chemicals and chemical substances to enable businesses to make more environmentally friendly choices. The rating identifies best in class chemicals or better alternatives to chemicals currently used in the supply chain.
For over a decade CleanChain has been working closely with apparel brands and suppliers across the globe to transform sustainability practices across the textile industry by facilitating the adoption and usage of sustainable chemistry solutions. With an estimated 50% of factories’ chemical inventories currently unaccounted for, it says its new programme plays a key role in narrowing the gap.
“The role that chemical scores (screened chemistry) play in chemical management for both brands and suppliers cannot be overemphasised. Our partnership with Scivera and ToxServices has been integral in bringing further transparency to the apparel industry whereby we are now able to provide both brands and suppliers with the information they need to select safer formulations,” says Daniel Murray, CleanChain managing director.
The chemical scores are assigned by Scivera and ToxServices, providing a standardised and transparent scoring methodology with full material disclosure of assessed formulations, thereby promoting the usage of safer alternatives, CleanChain explains.
The benefits to brands include the ability to rank factories according to the volume of scored chemicals used in their inventory. Additionally, factories can more objectively and transparently track and improve their sustainable chemistry goals by selecting chemical products that are scored, selecting safer alternative products or working with formulators to score additional chemical products and help improve the industry’s visibility and awareness in general.
“By reporting chemical products that have been scored and certified according to the Screened Chemistry Program, CleanChain makes it easier for users of chemicals to move beyond a basic RSL-compliance mindset, toward truly safer and sustainable chemistry,” says Joe Rinkevich, Scivera’s founder and president.
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