The Dutch Denim Deal, a public-private initiative, was launched by the Dutch government following the EU Green Deal and the Circular Action Plan and includes agreements to make the denim textile chain more circular.

It sees more than 40 parties, such as Scotch & Soda, PVH and Soorty, work together to improve post-consumer textiles in the denim industry and make fibre recycling the new norm. The signatories cover a wide range of manufacturing companies, brands and stores, collectors, sorters, cutters, and weavers.

The main objective of the Denim Deal is to collectively produce a total of 3m jeans with (a minimum of 20%) post-consumer recycled cotton (PCR) by the end of 2023. In addition, all parties have agreed that they will work together towards the standard of at least 5% recycled textiles in all denim garments as quickly as possible.

The Denim Deal is also an opportunity to set up a “reverse supply chain” for recycled cotton and create a systemic change to close the denim cycle.

Lenzing says its fibres can be used to enable circular design without sacrificing quality.

“With our drive towards circular solutions and collaboration, Lenzing is pleased to join the Dutch Denim Deal. As a pioneer for advanced recycling commercialisation with Refibra technology, we realise the challenges to close the loop,” said Tricia Carey, director of global business development, denim and Americas at Lenzing, in a blog post. “Additionally, our Tencel fibres enhance the processing of mechanical recycled cotton in spinning and increase the strength and softness. We believe in the joint ambition of the Dutch Denim Deal to accelerate towards a new industry standard of 5% PCR-cotton used in the production of all denim garments and will work with the supply matrix to achieve.”

Former state secretary, Van Veldhoven, added: “The strength of this Denim Deal lies in the fact that all parties involved in the making and processing of a denim garment will participate, from production companies, brands and retailers, but also collectors, sorters, cutters and weavers. We are initiating a change in the entire chain. Once that step has been taken, scaling up will be easier afterwards. That will make this Denim Deal a blueprint for making garments made from other materials more sustainable.”

Also this month, Lenzing announced plans to expand its global clean electricity portfolio and transition its production site in Purwakarta, Indonesia, to green electricity.