CORE has reached an “amicable settlement” and formally terminated the review of the complaint against Hugo Boss Canada, effective 7 March 2024, as the company provided a “satisfactory response or remedy” to the allegations raised.
The complaints, reported in June 2022, alleged that Hugo Boss had supply relationships with Chinese companies Esquel Textile Co. Ltd, which the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) identified in its report “Uyghurs for sale” as using or benefiting from Uyghur forced labour – and Texhong Textile Group which Sheffield Hallam University’s report “Laundering Cotton” identified as using Uyghur forced labour.
After an initial assessment, the report prompted an investigation into the matter. This process was temporarily halted as both parties agreed to engage in the CORE’s alternative dispute resolution mechanism.
Through the resolution process, Hugo Boss Canada had an opportunity to address the complainant’s allegations, and both parties made “reasonable efforts” to engage in problem-solving through dialogue and sharing of documents and information.
Sheri Meyerhoffer, the Ombudsperson, commented: “This report represents a second positive outcome from the CORE’s alternative dispute resolution process and serves as an example to other companies subject to a complaint with the CORE of what can be accomplished in protecting human rights by making reasonable efforts to engage in good faith,”
In light of the resolution, the CORE has recommended that Hugo Boss Canada Inc. continue its commitment to upholding human rights standards, aligning with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
The initial 28 complaints made in 2022 were also linked to Walmart Canada and Diesel Canada which the CORE published Initial Assessment reports on in March.