Mihila commenced operations in 2008 and is said to be the world’s first custom-built eco-friendly apparel factory.
In 2018 its on-site renewable energy generation was vastly expanded, from the original 22,000 kWh per year to generating 1,292,500 kWh in 2020 as part of the group-wide rooftop solar project ‘Suryadhanavi.’
In 2020, with the group’s investment in I-REC’s (International Renewable Energy Credits), Hirdaramani is also able to have more accountability of the renewable energy generated onsite.
All of these continued improvements and the investment in external emission reduction projects, such as financing wind power projects in the region had helped the factory maintain its CarbonNeutral certification.
The CarbonNeutral Protocol defines the emissions that must be measured to become a CarbonNeutral manufacturer. The calculation and the verification to award Hirdaramani Knit Mihila with this status were carried out respectively by the Carbon Consulting Company (Pvt) Ltd and the Sustainable Future Group. The Independent Certification was Issued by Natural Capital Partners Europe Limited.
“Although this is our ninth year as a CarbonNeutral manufacturer, every year it means something to us and the teams that ensure we keep up our efforts and meet changing goals and standards,” says Nikhil Hirdaramani, director of the Hirdaramani Group.
“This year is especially meaningful as it comes after an extremely challenging 12 months due to the global pandemic. Staying committed to our sustainability goals in the worst of times, and not using it as an excuse to fall back is a true testament to the values that drive everyone in our organisation and I hope it is an example for others to keep their focus on our shared responsibility to protect the planet for future generations”.