GOTS Version 7.0 introduces new requirements to conduct risk-based due diligence of Certified Entities’ own operations and their supply chains based on the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the OECD guidelines.
GOTS Version 7.0 updates:
- New due diligence criteria ensures that Certified Entities address their actual and potential negative impacts on human rights and the environment.
- GOTS Environmental Criteria, Product Stewardship, and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) requirements will also apply to the subcontractors of chemical formulators.
- Quinoline is included among the prohibited substances and some existing restrictions have been made tighter such as of “aniline, free”, residue limit is decreased to 20 mg/kg from 100 mk/kg.
- GOTS 7.0 reduces the permissible quantity of recycled synthetic (polymer) fibres in its certified products, taking into account the disadvantages associated with recycled synthetics, such as microplastics and poor quality.
- In the pursuit of circularity, GOTS will allow use of recycled GOTS goods waste as an additional fibre in its certified products.
- GOTS Human Rights and Social Criteria will now require Certified Entities to respect internationally recognised human rights protocols, including the International Bill of Human Rights and other international human rights treaties.
- Certified Entities are now required to develop a plan to cover the living wage gap.
Rahul Bhajekar, GOTS managing co-director, said: “GOTS Version 7.0 represents a major leap forward for processing organic textiles. The new revision process was the most inclusive in GOTS history, with over 600 inputs received during two public consultation periods. Version 7.0 offers solutions for creating truly responsible supply chains, setting a benchmark for the textile industry. I am proud of the progress made that will advance sustainable textile processing practices worldwide.”
Revision of the GOTS document is a regular year-long process involving multiple international stakeholders with expertise in organic production, textile processing, textile chemistry, human rights and social criteria, as well as representatives from industry, NGOs and civil society organisations.
The organisation said that after the transition period GOTS Version 7.0 will be fully effective as of 1 March 2024.