The following is a round-up of apparel and footwear news from the world’s local media.

  • Pakistan’s Federal Trade and Commerce Minister Pervaiz Malik says an upcoming meeting of the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) will approve a textile package for the country’s largest industry, which is a “top priority” of the government. Meanwhile, Malik told local media a recent hike in gas prices would not cause harm to the industrial sector. THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE

  • The Garment and Allied Workers Union (GAWU) in India’s Haryana state has launched a renewed campaign for a revised minimum wage, as fixed by the Haryana government. After collecting and analysing more than 400 pay slips of workers employed by different garment companies across Gurgaon-Manesar, GAWU claim there are “blatant violations” across the sector – including by the biggest factories – of minimum wage and skill promotion laws. GAWU has also demanded a thorough investigation of these violations and separate inspection of companies engaged in all industries, as well as prosecution of the owners of companies that are found non-compliant. The Union has also demanded that companies provide proper proof of employment to all workers and avoid employing workers through contractors. NEWS CLICK

  • The Pakistani textile sector has raised concerns over plans to set up a textile park in China’s Xinjiang region, expected to be the country’s largest cotton textile and garment export processing base by 2023. “The anticipated glut of textile and garments from the Xinjiang textile park in the export as well as domestic markets of Pakistan poses a serious threat to Pakistan’s textile sector already struggling to remain afloat. Setting up of the textile park at Xinjiang will give a heavy blow to Pakistani textile exports,” says a source at Pakistan’s Textile Division. PROFIT PAKISTAN

  • Members of the Indian Texpreneurs Federation have been advised to cut yarn production by 35% for a period of 35-60 days in order to address the recent disparity between cotton and yarn prices. “Reduced yarn supply will help match the demand. But if yarn supply needs to be curtailed, mills will have to go slow in consumption of cotton and this, in turn, will help bring down the cost of the fibre as well. This tactic will help the mill sector reduce loss, besides bringing about a balance in cotton and yarn prices,” says Prabhu Dhamodharan, secretary, Indian Texpreneurs Federation. HINDU BUSINESS LINE

  • Younis Dagha, Pakistan’s commerce secretary, has urged the textile industry to focus on value addition in order to compete on an international level and arrest the decline in exports. Dagha said the cost of doing business is higher in Pakistan compared to neighbouring countries, but it is not the only hurdle to exports. “Lack of value addition is also a major reason,” he said, addressing an event hosted by Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers and Exporters Association. He added that Indian and Bangladeshi exporters invest in their industries, while in Pakistan foreign revenue earned from textile exports went back to stocks and real estate sector. NEWS INTERNATIONAL

  • India has vowed to “step up” collaboration with Egypt in the textiles sector, with talks being held to increase textile machinery supplies to the country. The news comes as 37 Indian textile companies are participating in the Cairo Fashion and Tex Exhibition in a bid to strengthen trade between the two countries, particularly in the fast-growing area of man made fibres. During the year 2016-17, bilateral trade between India and Egypt was about US$3.23bn. India is Egypt’s tenth largest export destination and also the tenth largest import source. It exported around $240m worth of textiles and clothing products to Egypt during 2016. ETRETAIL.COM

  • The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry has put its case to John Robinson, head of political and economic affairs at the US consulate in Pakistan, urging the US to include textiles and leather in its GSP scheme. Even though Pakistan benefits from GSP duty-free access to the US, the scheme does not include Pakistan’s core products – textile and leather goods – which incur duties of 7-32%, making them uncompetitive against imports from other countries. DAWN.COM

just-style has not checked these stories so cannot guarantee their accuracy.