The following is a round-up of apparel and footwear news from the world’s local media. just-style has not checked these stories so cannot guarantee their accuracy.
- An Indian-owned garments factory in Bangladesh has closed for an indefinite period following labour unrest. Workers of Amra Apparels Limited demands include payment of monthly salary within ten days of every month. Authorities of five other garment factories also declared leave for the day, apparently apprehending trouble. ASIA PULSE
- VF Arvind Brands, a joint venture between India’s leading textile firm Arvind Ltd and international apparel group VF Corporation has opened two franchisee-run exclusive outlets in Delhi and Bangalore in India. The stores will sell Vans product range, including apparel, footwear and accessories. The new brand is targeting 14- to 24- year-olds, the company said. ASIA PULSE
- A “Wear made in Indonesia Shoes” campaign has been launched in West Java. “As of today all residents of West Java, especially civil servants, must wear shoes made in Indonesia. Checks will be made and so do not try to wear foreign made shoes,” the province’s governor, Ahmad Heryawan said. ASIA PULSE
- Wal-Mart Japan Holdings has announced the resignation of its chief executive, Toru Noda. He has “left the company for personal reasons,” according to a release. Noda will be succeeded by Steve Dacus who is currently chief operating officer of Wal-Mart Japan. DOW JONES & COMPANY
- French safety and protection clothing company Delta Plus is planning several acquisitions abroad. The group seeks to boost its position in key markets such as China, Peru and Ukraine. The company also has options for development in Scandinavia and the Baltic countries as well as Germany. EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE WIRE