The Aequalis-4-TCLF initiative, developed under the Erasmus+ Programme in alignment with the EU Pact for Skills, brings together 19 partners predominantly from Eastern and Northern Europe. The group will work together for four years to empower workers in the TCLF domain through enhanced skill development.

Building upon the foundations laid by the blueprint project Smart4TCLF, and in harmony with the MetaskillsS4TCLF initiative, Aequalis-4-TCLF emphasizes the importance of building connections with regional and local entities.

By leveraging these partnerships, the project aims to amplify skills initiatives and cultivate an extensive EU-wide Network of TCLF vocational education and training and higher education providers.

Aequalis-4-TCLF will tailor strategies that directly address prevailing skills gaps. Through skills gap analyses, the project will develop new national skills strategies in seven countries, strategically designed to cater to specific regional requirements. These strategies will focus on combatting discrimination and championing diversity within the TCLF industries.

Dirt Vantyghem, director general of Euratex commented: “Two years ago, we signed the TCLF Pact for Skills with the European Commission; today, I am happy to see that we can put this Pact into practice with concrete initiatives on the ground. Addressing the skills dimension is a critical step to build a competitive TCLF industry in Europe.”

In February, Just Style investigated how fashion brands would need to pay closer attention to any green product claims when new EU laws come into force. Euratex agreed new legislation must be part of a coherent framework with existing or upcoming EU legislation such as regulations on ecodesign, textile labelling and digital product passports.

Euratex policy officer Ekaterina Stoyanova said at the time that this would minimise administrative burdens and costs, avoid confusion and enable effective compliance, especially considering impacts on small and medium-sized enterprises.