Delta Agriculture is a US hemp raw goods producer and processor. The announcement marks its transitional growth from a leader in hemp flower production into a full-scale industrial hemp supplier.
“Hemp is a miracle crop – it removes carbon from the air, it nourishes the soil, it is renewable, and it can be used to produce biodegradable versions of an endless number of the goods we rely upon every day,” said Delta Agriculture CEO George Overbey. “At Delta Ag, we have the technology to efficiently process all parts of the hemp plant – flower, grain, and fibre – and we are currently producing flower and fibre at scale, with capacity for seed processing not far behind. Delta Ag is currently the nation’s top supplier of hemp, scaling at pace to eventually produce enough raw goods to be a sustainable alternative to petroleum-derived plastics and other non-renewable products that currently contribute to global pollution and waste. Delta Ag is harnessing the power of the hemp plant to make a carbon-negative future possible right here at home and one day, globally.”
Following the 2018 Farm Bill’s authorisation of hemp production federally, and most recently the legalisation of hemp farming in several states, Delta Agriculture possesses proprietary technology to process all parts of the hemp plant – flower, grain, and fibre – at scale. Currently operating more than 5,000 acres of farmland in West Texas, Kentucky, and Colorado, Delta Agriculture is on target to plant 10,000 acres this year and scale to more than 25,000 acres in 2022.
“As more and more companies seek to reduce their environmental footprint and cut their carbon output, Delta Agriculture is building the infrastructure to make that possible,” said Delta Agriculture chairman John Paul Merritt. “Our team is applying a ‘big ag’ business model to usher global manufacturing into modern times – just as efficient but without the waste and pollution that petroleum-based plastics and other non-renewable goods inflict on our environment. We are providing manufacturers and retailers a real working solution to carbon offsets, rather than the ineffective short-term approach of buying carbon credits, and we are doing it while creating American jobs.”
Delta Agriculture’s “big ag” approach to the hemp industry is unlike any other in the market currently. Vertically integrated from genetics to raw goods to provide end-users with a consistent and stable supply, Delta Ag is the only company mass producing hemp for industries looking to transition to renewable raw goods as a means to offset their carbon footprint and reduce their industrial waste. Because of the hemp plant’s short harvest cycle, Delta Agriculture can quickly expand acreage to meet industry demands as they arise.
The company utilizes proprietary genetics to maximise the effectiveness of their hemp seed, which is harvested and perfected at a 50,000 square foot genetics lab in Delta, Colorado – vertically integrated from genetics to raw goods in order to provide end-users with a consistent and stable.
Hemp is fast being adopted in the textiles industry as brands and retailers look to alternatives to cotton due to its environmental footprint. Until recently, scaling the production of hemp for use in the apparel sector has been an issue.
In April, Kontoor Brands and Panda Biotech expanded a collaboration to bring traceability and scale to the textile-grade cottonised hemp grown and processed in the United States.
In the same month, Pakistan’s vertical denim manufacturer AGI Denim agreed the first global production partnership with Panda Biotech to use US-grown industrial hemp that can be tracked and traced back to its American farmers.