The National Cotton Council (NCC) has announced its 2022 Beltwide Cotton Conferences (BWCC) agenda that includes a new sustainability conference as well as the wider issues relating to the cotton sector.

The conferences are set to take place on 4-6 January 2022 at the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel in Texas. They annually bring together university and USDA researchers, regulatory agencies, extension personnel/agents, consultants, and industry sales/support personnel to exchange information about new products and production/processing systems that can be tailored to individual farming operations for maximum efficiency.

Among topics being considered for inclusion in the BWCC’s Consultants Conference on the morning of January 4 are updates on ThryvOn cotton and its effectiveness on providing season-long protection against tarnished plant bugs and thrips species; herbicide resistance; the US Cotton Trust Protocol; changes in weather patterns and the impact on crops; the Biden administration’s impact on agriculture; the Endangered Species Act; developments in Bt cotton; and carbon sequestration at the field level.

The BWCC’s 12 cotton technical conferences, which now include the Cotton Sustainability Conference, will provide findings from current research and updates on emerging technology that are aimed at elevating US cotton production and processing efficiency. Those sessions will meet concurrently beginning on the morning of 5 January 5 and conclude by noon on 6 January.

The Cotton Sustainability Conference will plan to focus on the US Cotton Trust Protocol, including multiple panel discussions. Field-to-Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture along with carbon and organic markets also will be included as topics of interest.

The Cotton Engineering-Systems Conference is planning presentations on data analytics, robotics, remote sensing, and unmanned aerial vehicles, among others.

Kent Fountain was been re-elected as chairman of the NCC for 2021 during the organisation’s virtual annual meeting earlier this year.