Featured reports from just-style’s research store this week include a look at the childrenswear market in Italy and Romania, a report on the workwear market in Europe and an industry risk rating report on fashion designers in the US. 


  • Childrenswear in Italy
    Get a detailed picture of the childrenswear market in Italy from this report. Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change. Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands.
  • Childrenswear in Romania
    This report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the market at a national level. It provides the latest retail sales data 2007-2011 and analysis by distribution format allowing you to identify the sectors driving growth.


  • Apparel sourcing in Latin America – forecasts to 2016
    With current and future trends analysed and predicted, this latest sourcing report from just-style provides a complete overview of this key sourcing region and will update you on the most important issues influencing apparel sourcing in every major South American country.
  • Apparel sourcing in Asia – forecasts to 2016
    just-style has compiled data for imported Asia-produced apparel by garment category for these Western markets. The data trends historic volumes from 2006 and just-style has forecasted these trend lines out to 2016.


  • LG Fashion Corp – company capsule
    This company capsule identifies crucial company information about “LG Fashion Corp” along with major products and services for business intelligence requirements.


  • Workwear – Europe
    This market study gives an overview of the actual situation, trends and future outlook of the workwear market in Europe. The study provides essential market information for decision-makers including: overall market for workwear in Europe, how the market has been developing and what the future looks like.