Eurofins BLC, a provider of risk management solutions for the leather, and synthetic material supply chains, has achieved accreditation to perform testing against The Microfibre Consortium (TMC) approved test method.

The test method considers the impact of fibre release during domestic laundering. The move follows approval by TMC in April of Eurofins Softlines & Leather as one of its first third-party laboratory members.

Eurofins has also joined TMC, which was founded in 2018 to drive the development of solutions to minimise textile fibre fragmentation and its release into the environment during manufacturing and use.

Eurofin’s membership will allow the company to facilitate the development of practical solutions for the textile industry to minimise fibre fragmentation and release to the environment from textile manufacturing and product life cycle.

TMC is a multi-member group, comprised of upstream and downstream stakeholders, concerned with understanding the environmental impact of fibre fragmentation within the textile sector.

The ongoing environmental impacts associated with fibre release into the environment focuses on accumulation in ecosystems, resulting in pollution, disruption to food chains, and health/toxicological concerns. Microfibres (in particular the subcategory microplastics) are of particular concern as this problem increases, although the long-term implications are still not fully understood.

In offering The Microfibre Consortium approved test method, Eurofins BLC will contribute towards gathering information on behalf of customers and group members, with the long-term goal to collaboratively collate data, understand the scale of the situation, and address ways forward to reduce the global impact resultant of fibre fragmentation.